I know, I know, it's been forever since we talked.  And I've already contradicted my first headline.

Point one: check out how many one post blogs there are on this site.  It's easy to get cranked the first time.  Then you have to get it up again and again.

Point two: sue me.  A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.  Or, in this case, inconsistency.  By which I mean, I HAVE consistency in the headline, which I don't want, but I was trying for INconsistency, which means not using P, but... oh, never mind.

Double your subscription price back if you're dissatisfied.

Today's rider was a piercing expert.  A young woman with one small nose stud.  But upon careful examination, I also found two earlobe extenders (forgive me if my terminology is wrong) and a distinct hole in her columella.

Let's just pause there for a moment.  "Columella: the tissue that links the nasal tip to the nasal base, and separates the nares."  Did I tell you you'd learn stuff here?

Anyway, she had a hole there.  

Things I learned:

She's visiting here from Indianapolis, which has recently taken away the title from Chicago as Murder Capital of the USA.  "We're... number... UNNHHHH..."

She often drives the four hours to Chicago for "a little peace and quiet."

Mall piercers are the bane of her industry.  She says not only do they use unsanitary equipment, but their implants are often made with cheap metal instead of surgical stainless steel.  Major culprits among the trash metals include nickel and gold plate.

It takes as much as 8 years of anatomical study to be a piercing expert.  Note that I didn't say "certified".  She says there is no certification in her profession... something she laments.  Her estimate is that she'll take about four years of classes and apprentice for four years.

Most piercers don't have their own shops.  They travel from place to place like the old medicine show purveyors... albeit with (hopefully) more quality.

She doesn't think piercing is a fad.  After all, she's about 25 and in this for her life's work.  Piercings hot in the year 2050?  Not bloody likely, according to me, but I've found being argumentative from the driver's seat can be a pain in the ass for riders.

Or the nose.  Or the tongue.  Or the nipple....


Big Labor Day weekend.  I'm hoping for some laborers.  If we ever create a Drinker's Day, I'm golden.  A big thank you to the sots who hire me instead of driving drunk.  Somebody's family is deeply grateful.   And so is my checking account.

Onward through the fog...

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